woensdag 31 december 2008


For everyone we wish a great 2009
May all your hopes and dreams come true

maandag 29 december 2008


Just dreaming of a new summer

dinsdag 23 december 2008

random pics

Source: photofunia.com

zaterdag 20 december 2008

What if??

What if VW was in control of the London tube?

I guess something like this

maandag 15 december 2008


Yet another filmclip with music of Savatge

watch till the end!!

donderdag 11 december 2008


I was planning to go on Sunday the 4th of january. May be we can go together?
A nice place to group up is the carpoolspot along the A2 Near Urmond (hotel VanderValk)
Let me know if you are interested?
I'm sure this link http://kcm.skynetblogs.be/ will provide more of the same information.
And hey, if we go aircooled we don't need to check the antfreeze in the engine. Just put on some long underwear.

maandag 8 december 2008

early x-mas

I know i'm pretty fast with my x-mas greeting.
It's more that i like the music.
It's a symhonic hardrockband called Savatge.

More Savatage music to come.

vrijdag 5 december 2008

orange karmann

Danm this carmann is sold, otherwise i would gladly spend my last 33.500 dollar for it
click link for more pics

woensdag 3 december 2008


This picture shows Mr Porche with his creation.

This picture shows Mrs Porche in her creation